Population and Housing Census 2022 (আদমশুমারি ও গৃহগণনা ২০২২)
A Population Census is the total process of planning, collecting, compiling, evaluating, disseminating and analyzing demographic, economic and social data at the smallest geographic level pertaining, at a specified time, to all persons in a country or in a well-delimited part of a country. The Population and Housing Census consists mainly of two parts- The Population Census and The Housing Census. After the independence of Bangladesh, BBS conducted the first Population Census in 1974. Following the ten-years periodicity, the 6th population and housing census was supposed to be conducted in 2021, but it was not possible due to the global pandemic, COVID-19. Therefore, the census is conducted immediately after the COVID-19 during 15-21 June 2022 all over the country at a time. As per the Statistics Act, 2013, previously conducted “Adamshumari” is now termed as “Janoshumari” in Bengali. It is the first digital census in the history of the country. In the census, data collection is conducted using digital device Tablet following the Computer Assisted Personal Interviewing (CAPI) method. The census preparations are carried out through three zonal operations. Under these, a number of preparatory activities such as formation of enumeration areas (EAs), recruitment of enumerators and supervisors, preparing maps, updating of geo-codes, identifying training centers, enlisting the restricted etc. are undertaken. A web-based Integrated Census Management System (ICMS) is developed to control and manage the first digital census operation. Subsequently, all census-controllingmaps including EAs are integrated with geo-code through ICMS. With a view to monitoring data collection activities centrally, along with their quality, through the ICMS, a Network Operations Centre (NOC) is established at the BBS Headquarters.
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বাংলাদেশ পরিসংখ্যান ব্যুরো
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বাংলাদেশ পরিসংখ্যান ব্যুরো