Ecosystem-based Adaptation Stakeholder (Dialogue Report)
January, 2023Author(s)
- United Nations Environment Programme
This report is an output of the Global EbA Fund, which is implemented jointly by the UN Environment Programme (UNEP) and the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN). The publication was made possible through the generous contribution of the International Climate Initiative (IKI) under the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection (BMUV). Founded in 2010 by UNEP, the Global Adaptation Network (GAN) is a global platform for the dissemination and exchange of knowledge on adaptation to climate change. An umbrella organisation active in most continents, GAN is made up of various regional networks and partners that provide knowledge dissemination services in their respective regions. Through its partners, GAN bridges the local and global levels. GAN disseminates climate adaptation knowledge through the organisation of conferences, funding opportunities, webinars, peer-to-peer learning exchanges, collecting evidence and case studies, supporting partnerships between universities and city officials, and more. In particular, GAN strives to advance the practice ecosystem-based adaptation (EbA), an approach that uses biodiversity and ecosystem services as part of an overall adaptation strategy to help people and communities adapt to the adverse effects of climate change. A key part of this work is the implementation of the new Global EbA Fund. Launched in March 2021 and funded by IKI, the fund is a quickly deployable mechanism for supporting innovative approaches to EbA. More specifically, GAN, in partnership with the Fund’s implementing partner IUCN, brings together global and regional adaptation networks in Africa, AsiaPacific, and Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) to raise awareness of the Global EbA Fund and help identify and overcome barriers to scaling up EbA across different sectoral groups. GAN conducted a stakeholder dialogue process from March to October 2021, via a combination of an online survey and several regional dialogues, all focusing on overcoming key barriers for upscaling EbA. Through this participatory process, GAN’s regional networks were mobilized, and in total, more than 120 practitioners and experts responded to the survey, and more than 500 people participated in the various dialogues. The survey and some dialogues were available in English, French and Spanish. This report aims to provide an overview of the main findings and conclusions of this process, with a focus on the main characteristics of EbA initiatives and the barriers preventing their adoption, implementation and upscaling, both globally and in three specific regions: Africa, Asia and the Pacific, and Latin America and the Caribbean. The report is therefore divided into four main sections, with one focusing on the global level, and three region specific sections with information tailored to different regional contexts. It is intended for EbA practitioners and experts, policymakers, investors, and other interested actors that wish to learn more about EbA and the ways in which EbA can be more effectively implemented and scaled up.
United Nations Environment Programme (2023). Ecosystem-based Adaptation Stakeholder Dialogue Report. Nairobi.
United Nations Environment Programme
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United Nations Environment Programme