PKSF Knowledge Hub on
Climate Change

This Knowledge Repository is an open access platform for research outputs and knowledge products.

Understanding climate change from below, addressing barriers from above: Practical experience and learning from a community-based adaptation project in Banglades



December, 2010


  • M Sajid Raihan
  • M Jahedul Huq
  • Nana Gerstrøm Alsted
  • Manja Hoppe Andreasen


This report communicates the local, practical experiences and learning from one of the first action research projects on community-based climate change adaptation interventions in Bangladesh: Assistance to Local Communities on Climate Change Adaptation and Disaster Risk Reduction piloted by ActionAid Bangladesh and funded by the Embassy of Denmark. It is an action research project that facilitated local people’s analysis of their own vulnerability towards climate change and piloted a variety of community-based adaptation measures.


M Sajid Raihan, M Jahedul Huq, Nana Gerstrøm Alsted, Manja Hoppe Andreasen (2010) Understanding climate change from below, addressing barriers from above: Practical experience and learning from a community-based adaptation project in Banglades


ActionAid Bangladesh (AAB)

Rights Holder

ActionAid Bangladesh (AAB)