PKSF Knowledge Hub on
Climate Change

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October, 2016


  • ITAD Ltd.


Supported by Windward Fund and the Rockefeller Foundation, the Resilience Measurement, Evidence, and Learning Community of Practice (CoP) brings together leading specialists and practitioners in conceptualizing, measuring, monitoring, and evaluating resilience – to learn from one another and to determine the priorities for growing the field and creating a compelling base of evidence. Itad contributed to the second convening of the CoP, held 21-22 July 2016 at the UN Food and Agriculture Organization headquarters in Rome, where a series of case studies proved an integral part of the activities. In order to inform the CoP’s work programme and strategy, CoP members undertook two critical pieces of analysis in the early stages of the CoP’s formation: • analysis of resilience measurement conceptual frameworks, led by the Overseas Development Institute (ODI), which built upon the first convening’s “Resilience Measurement Frameworks and Approaches – A Bird’s Eye View” • analysis of the experience in terms of the challenges and lessons of MEL practitioners in operationalizing resilience measurement frameworks, and of the experience and lessons of CoP stakeholders. The work presented here was conducted under an existing grant from The Rockefeller Foundation to Itad.1 It was designed to “support strengthening the Foundation, grantees and partners to infuse and integrate resilience thinking into their work and to create an enabling environment for partners and grantees to better understand how to use resilience in planning programs.” This particular component of the grant was designed to capture, present, discuss, and synthesize the experience of a set of resilience measurement stakeholders in order to highlight the challenges and lessons of operationalizing resilience measurement-MEL frameworks. The report draws on the reflections of a set of leading specialists and practitioners in resilience measurement presented at the second convening of the CoP. It shares their combined experience and knowledge related to designing and operationalizing resilience measurement and resilience monitoring and evaluation (M&E) systems for the largest, most innovative and prominent resilience-strengthening programs globally. In addition, the report presents a summary of the Resilience Measurement Approach in Practice (RMAP) process, and the headline findings and reflections from the second convening. The report concludes with some initial implications and headline recommendations to feed into the design and commissioning of the CoP.





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